
Trespasser on Property

Trespassers can be a nuisance for both commercial and residential properties. In a commercial setting, trespassers may loiter, vandalize your property, and leave trash or debris that a property manager or owner has to clean up. For residential properties, these issues...

Remote Guard Stops Dumpster Diver

Alpha’s Remote Guard Service is a powerful tool that helps property managers and owners stop suspicious activity. Our AI camera systems keep watch on your property 24/7, ensuring a secure perimeter day and night. In the video above, a car with pallets on top drives...

Remote Guard Stops Illegal Dumping

Remote Guard Service is a top-notch tool to protect your property from all kinds of threats. Unlike roaming guards who cover limited areas, our Remote Guard Service keeps watch over every corner of your property around the clock. This “eye in the sky”...

Remote Guard Removes Trespassers

Alpha’s Remote Guard service acts as a diligent overseer, offering top-tier surveillance to protect your property from external threats, even when help might not be readily available. Our cameras boast advanced capabilities, allowing for round-the-clock...

Remote Guard Removes Trespassers

Trespassers on your property can cause numerous unwanted issues, all of which can be easily prevented with Alpha’s Remote Guard Service system. Our AI Cameras provide comprehensive coverage of your property, ensuring constant surveillance. In the video above, two...