
Remote Guard Removes Scavenger

Scavenging on residential and commercial properties is a common issue, with dumpster divers and trespassers often sneaking in after hours when no one is around to stop them. Our Remote Guard Service is the ultimate solution to prevent these activities. With our...

Illegal Camping on Property

At Alpha Video Surveillance we recognize the challenges faced by those experiencing homelessness or less fortunate circumstances, and our hearts go out to them. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the potential consequences of makeshift camps, which can...

Trespasser on Property

Trespassers can be a nuisance for both commercial and residential properties. In a commercial setting, trespassers may loiter, vandalize your property, and leave trash or debris that a property manager or owner has to clean up. For residential properties, these issues...

Remote Guard Stops Dumpster Diver

Experience Unmatched Protection with Alpha Video Surveillance! We take pride in safeguarding your properties with our top-notch Remote Guard Service. From deterring theft to preventing vandalism and trespassing, our service has consistently proven its effectiveness....

Remote Guard Stops Suspicious Activity

Alpha’s Remote Guard Service is the perfect solution for preventing suspicious activity on your property around the clock. Our cameras’ ability to monitor every corner of your property simultaneously ensures comprehensive protection against intruders. In...

Remote Guard Prevents Break-In

Alpha’s Remote Guard Service stands as the ultimate solution in safeguarding your property against suspicious activities and potential break-ins, consistently proving its efficacy time and time again. In the captivating video above, we capture a moment of...