
Remote Guard Removes Trespassers

May 10, 2024

Trespassers on your property can cause numerous unwanted issues, all of which can be easily prevented with Alpha’s Remote Guard Service system. Our AI Cameras provide comprehensive coverage of your property, ensuring constant surveillance.

In the video above, two suspicious individuals are seen entering a property protected by our Remote Guard Service and proceeding behind a dumpster. Upon detection by our cameras, an alert is immediately sent to our command center, where one of our guards remotely assesses the situation. After reviewing the feed, our guard decides to issue a warning using the two-way audio feature included with the system.

The guard informs the individuals that they are on private property and must leave immediately. The trespassers promptly heed the warning and depart in the same direction they entered.

The property remains secured and will continue to be monitored live by our Remote Guard Service throughout the night.

Interested in Remote Guard Service for your property? Fill out the form below, and we’ll contact you with more information!