
Remote Guard Removes Trespasser

Dec 29, 2023

Alpha’s Remote Guard Service consistently demonstrates its value across various properties where it is deployed. Our state-of-the-art system serves as an indispensable tool for both property managers and owners, ensuring the continuous vigilance necessary to maintain a secure environment free from suspicious activities.

In the accompanying video, an incident unfolds where an individual appears on our camera feed and proceeds to inspect the window of a closed business located on a property under our protection. Once detected by our surveillance system, an immediate alert is transmitted to our command center, where our remote guard assesses the situation. Having identified the individual, our guard activates the two-way communication feature, utilizing the audio capabilities inherent in our system to issue a verbal warning. The woman is promptly informed that she is on a closed property and is required to vacate the premises immediately.

Responding to the warning, the woman promptly acknowledges and departs the area without delay. The property is then secured, with Alpha’s Remote Guard Service maintaining live monitoring throughout the remainder of the night to ensure ongoing security and peace of mind for our clients.

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